Undermount Range hood Measurements:

Whilst we have quite a number of range hood models (with the measurements that we need) already pre-loaded into our production software, we do not have all of them. Some of the better appliance manufacturers provide all of the measurements needed over the internet to make the cabinet, however there are quite a few who don't.

Below are all of the measurements that we need to custom make your range hood cabinet to suit. As you can see there are quite a few. If we are unable to source the measurements, we will need you to measure these directly off your range hood itself (or they may even be provided in the specifications that come with the range hood).

Hint: I would double check these as we have had instances previously where the specifications were incorrect.

Measurement 'D' is the height of the range hood INCLUDING any screw heads or other vertical protrusions (distance 'E') on the range hood itself (often the range hood manufacturers do not include these in the overall height, and these are required).
Measurement 'G' is the diameter of the flue hole.



The cut-out size is the size that the manufacturer of the range hood, wants the cutout to be in the bottom of the range hood cabinet. This is found in the range hood's specification.


Measurement 'K' is the centreline of the flue holes, with a variation from the centre of the actual range hood itself.
-125 means that the flue hole is off centre 125mm to the left, whereas 125mm means 
that the flue hole is off centre 125mm to the right.
0mm means that the flue hole is directly centre of the range hood (which is normal for the majority of the range hoods).
Measurement 'J' is the distance from the very rear of the range hood to the centre line of the flue hole.

Measurement 'L' is from the very rear of the range hood to the centre line of the flue hole.


We will either need all of these measurements, or if we have already sourced some of these, then we will advise you of which ones we still need.

Note: It is very important that you provide us with the exact measurements, to the millmetre. Failing to do so will mean that your cabinet will be supplied with the wrong measurements, and these will cause you problems when you are assembling the cabinet with the range hood.


We hope that this information has been helpful for you.

If you need further help or more information on this topic please: 


Thank you, 
From all the team at OzFlatPacks